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Vanmarbuildteam is a very organized minecraft buildteam unlike others we pay our members fairly for there work here with us

they're is specific jobs that pay more then others, we're looking for members every day this is our recruitment centre not our official website, please note our buildteams not fully finished it's on right up to success with your help.

Available jobs

These are our available jobs that we offer at our build team

      information on our jobs sallarys and the jobs itself



            Jobs & roles


   [ Modder ]





 Artist ]


[Pixel artist]


[Programmer ]


[Plugin / bukkit







 Sallarys & info


 Modders - minecraft mod developers positions 25 - 0


Builders - minecraft builders must be reasonable detail positions 30 - 0


Thumbnail artist - thumbnail artist will be creating our thumbnails for our content positions 20 - 0


Pixel artist - Minecraft professional pixel artist pixels for maps thumbnails or mods positions 20 - 0


Programmers - Minecraft programmer will be creating our clients and programs to help with minecraft related content positions 20 - 0


Plugin / bukkit developer - Minecraft plugin developer creating our plugins and bukkits

positions 20 - 0


Youtubers - minecraft youtubers

will showcase our content we will sponsor videos and any necessary payment positions 20 - 0

These are the sallary for our jobs located above

this is what we pay our members for they're efforts

[ Modders make 2$ per 5-10kb mods 10$ mega mod 1GB-5GB ]


[ Builders make 5$ per small project 20$ per large project ]


[ Programmers make 30$ per small client / program 100$ per large client / program ]


[ Thumbnail artists make 5$ per thumbnail - easiest job ]


[ Pixel artists make 5$ per small pixel art 20$ per large pixel art ]


[ Plugin / bukkit developers make 5$ per small plugin 20$ per large plugin ]


[ Youtubers make 5$ per small video 20$ per large video

small - large depend on the ammount of time and coverage detail we'll also fund most stuff and sponsor your channel must go under your chosen name ]


[ You will make more money depending on the ammount of skill and detail you provide to your work and your size of the project ]


Suggestions or ideas?

post them here!

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